First of all Cliff - CONGRATULATIONS on the latest Designer purchase. We're all waiting for pics, You know that right?!?
Now, as far as tuning is concerned Cliff - I like lower tunings for the 12" and 14"ft, and a higher tuning for the 10".
Unfortunately, I haven't checked the latest tuning on my S Classix, since the keyboard is back at the apartment, but I think I still maintain the idea that the 10" and 14" should be an octave apart, and usually the 12" is a 5th of the 14". I remember using C-G-C in the old days...
Somehow, on the S Classix I used ear-tuning and DrumDial, and forgot to check the notes (somehow my piano playing lessons never started...

But, next rehearsal, I'll borrow the tuner from my guitarist and check to see what my setting actually is...

Congratulations once again Cliff - You and Gregory have fantastic sets... Well done, my friend, well done!!!