Hey Cliff,
I think that game IS internet/Video. Like you it's not what I inspire to be doing either but the world is still there and for the most part, enjoyable. In the absence of having a band, I would be inclined to goof with the same stuff.
I agree with this whole internet phenomenon possibly having a serious side effect in coming years on society in general. Like everything else, there's good and bad in everything. I just think this bad is going to be serious.
I think the difference between you and I watching internet stuff versus this younger internet generation, is that you and I are not looking for drum hero's in it. Those years have gone by. I know what I want to be. If I don't by now.....
I can watch just about everything, and find negative in just about all of it. But I look for interesting and usually can find SOMETHING positive I can pull out of it.
Really enjoyed this video. A few things I'll probably steal.
I know it's been said before about others like this, the Thomas Langs, Virgil Donati's...."yeah but can they hold a groove in a band". I mean no offense to anyone but I find that a silly question. To think they can't is just not comprehendible to me.