[quotePremier should hire me. Even the biggest known collector in the US wants to know where I'm finding stuff ha.
Ima start me a Premier site, they will eventually notice me. I'll start pushing their chinese made junk to a fault; love it or you're out, get invited to London, get big lip marks on my ass, turn into a....
ah nevermind.
You may have it "bassakwards". I think the symbiosis starts with you making the first pucker as "defender of the faith" on your website for a protracted period of time.
You then distribute "Kool-Aid" to your faithful with a watchful eye on heretics.
Once you have proven your undying devotion to the POWERS THAT BE, then you get invited.
You are hilarious brother. I split a gut this morning reading this stuff.
Hookd on Phonics wrote:
And then we could all blow smoke up each other's wazoo about how important these discussions and the forum itself are to the development and the sustainability of the company!
Brian, your observations are right on the money...now what are we really talking about?