Well you see....
Once upon a time....countless moons ago....there were giants in the land. REAL giants with REAL friends. They played together and they laughed together. I know! I didn't believe it either, but it is true.
The VJ's and the Gunnars and the Kelly's. These guys were legends.
Oh I've heard the stories. Grandpa would strike a match, and with a long pause, raise it to his pipe. With the creak of his old rocking chair, settled into the warm glow of the fireplace....face lit up like an angel.
Flannel shirt riddled with burn holes. To this day no one believed he had never burned the house down or at the very least, went out in a blaze of glory.
This young lad just listened...never said a word. I've never seen Grandpa happier.
Except maybe when Grandma passed away.
Yeah, she wasn't nice.
At all.
Nagged him to no end.
Think thats why he tried to burn himself up.
He prayed daily for years that he would die. Or at least that someone, out of the goodness of their hearts, would mail her a box of syphilis.
God works in mysterious ways doesn't he.
Anyway, what was I saying....
Oh yeah....the Giants. Well (cough), sadly, we are left with only the pretenders. The frauds. The Mitch's and Poindexters....the list goes on and on and on.
Like a grateful dead song.
Anyways, I reserved a few of the pics that Grandpa left me. He had to keep them hidden of course. Always moving them from one place to the next. On the account of Grandma using them to line the litterbox. Most were lost forever. Covered in cat piss.
The bitch.