stevesmithfan wrote:
Comparing your recording with the link isn't fair to you, because of the high end audio versus your Zoom recorder. IMO.
What is it about the recording that you like over your own Sonor Teardrops? Just curious.
What you say is probably true, Greg, and you raise a good question: In a word, Timbre. WHat I don't like is probably a result of the 13 rack (tuned high but perhaps beginning to choke) rather than using the 12, and a low tuned floor, so very little cut with either of them. And, of course, the Lite Snare tuned medium rather than that high cranked 5" he's using.
I've been playing with the 12 again and have cranked the 16 up a smidgeon. I'm interested to know how the kit would sound with clear rather than coated heads, and I'm going to get a Fiberskyn for the bass batter to see what that does. As I say, there's work to be done.