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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:42 pm 
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This thread, http://www.sonormuseum.com/forum/viewto ... 7&start=20, over on the sonormuseum forum, has been worth reading, and I suspect it will continue to entertain. An oddly named furcifer, who apparently at one time was in the business of importing reptiles into this country (the imagination runs wild), wrote a defense of the Dept. of Justice raiding Gibson and extended that, in a surreal (but predictable) back-to-the-future defense, to Sonor (all quoted below) and then, as far as I can make out, negated it. There seems to be fair approval for furcifer's "perspective", and it is handsomely displayed but mostly wrong. I was going to attempt to disassemble his reasoning, but Ray Hicks has and saved me a lot of work. I include his quote following furcifer's.

    furcifer wrote:
    As an ex reptile importer I know all about importations of protected goods from both sides, both as a business person and a conservationist. I think a lot of this may be perceived in a misleading and skewed fashion from the way this article reads. Let me provide some perspective.

    Gibson is not an unsuspecting musician travelling with a pawn shop Guitar to a gig in London. If they were raided it was likely (in my own personal opinion) stemming from repeated bullshitting of the USFW. The USFW does not typically run around raiding folks for the fun of it. What does happen frequently is that people try to get around USFW. USFW is largely concerned with enforcing not only US law but foreign law through the Lacey act. That means when an impoverished and desperate country which employs officials who are easily bribed with a couple of dollars and the last remnants of that country's most prized natural resources are sold illegally, the citizens of the US have made the decision that it is not going to allow it's citizens and companies to participate. To get around this set of laws everything under the sun has been tried. Do you really think either Gibson or the exporter is above trying to sell or buy unfarmed wood at a percentage of the cost? I would not accuse them as I don't know all the facts but this happens all the time. I think they make great guitars but I couldn't say if they were capable of doing one thing and saying another in the pursuit of profit or reputation.

    What is shocking to me is that the forum is in an uproar over the fact that Sonor is selling drums with engineered laminate on their drums because real wood is too costly and that someone is trying to protect these same woods from illegal exploitation. We have all allowed ourselves to deplete our world of these wonderful woods. I am not sure why I would then turn around and denounce those who we have charged with the task of trying to stem the tide. Would we prefer to allow a few criminals to use the last remaining trees to complete extinction? I would prefer to adhere to the laws and pay premiums for legitimately harvested farmed woods and restore some of these species responsibly. Particularly when a giant rainforest tree supports about 2000 different species of animals on it from insects to primates, none of which can survive when you remove the trees in large swaths. It kind of sucks when someone comes and takes your stuff but at least we don't die from it.

    In regards to the piano with ivory keys, this is not an issue regarding a wood species. This is regarding the slaughtering of elephants. That usually entails running down an adult elephant with a truck and a machine gun and cutting off their tusks with a chainsaw with the rest of the family of elephants watching. I am not an advocate for elephants by trade, although I do think they are cool, I highly suspect this is rather bothersome to these highly intelligent and sensitive creatures. If this does not bother you perhaps you don't really know many elephants? There do seem to be a lot of people worked up for elephant rights and I will just assume it is for good reason. Regardless the piano or any other object containing Ivory can be certified if the process is followed and allowed by law but in this case it was not as stated by the writer of the article. The fine and sentence imposed may seem harsh or could seem lenient to some, you can get more time and fines importing endangered species than you can for drug smuggling if you do the math. Also the Ivory is covered by Cities which is enforced by USFW during the import export process. These guys were not searching piano bars and knocking on musicians' doors downtown USA. This is an import and export issue, not a musician issue. I know it sucks when you want to do your "one little thing" such as moving your ivory what not from country to county but realize that right now criminals are exploiting the last of what is all of ours and selling it all over the world wherever they can get away with it.

    In regards to Ebony I can go down to Rockler and buy ebony blocks so this is not illegal (just regulated and protected from abuse) and no one is going to raid your Signature kit. I would find out all I could before I imported or exported a kit but as of yet I have never heard of any international problems on the forum so I doubt this is an issue.

    I am not an ecological vigilante, I used to import reptiles for a living and I would prefer real wood laminates on my drums if at all possible, but I also think we need to set some rules and enforce them so we don't mess up the only planet we have and loose forever the things we love.

    Here is a cool basic article on US laws regarding Ivory if you are worried about your Ivory inlays on your vintage guitar, etc...
    http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/roadshow/fts/ch ... 04A10.html

    Interesting deforestation photos from Madagascar
    http://www.google.com/search?q=madagasc ... CAwQ_AUoAQ

    Here are shocking elephant photos to gross you out if you are so inclined.
    http://www.google.com/search?q=rotting+ ... CAsQ_AUoAQ
    Ray Hicks wrote:
    Yeah I've heard Gibson's "side of the story". I've heard the president of the company interviewed at length twice. What exactly is the DOJ's side of the story? They've raided Gibson before and confiscated instruments and materials--and not returned them nor made a credible charge, in my opinion. Someone here claimed something like "Gibson's been caught before", like being harassed once is a good reason to be harassed a second time. Not my interpretation of the Bill of Rights you got there with that one. There's been a lot of other preaching here about endangered species and stuff like that--which is simply obfuscation and conflation of issues. This is not about ivory poaching, or ivory period, although tangentially owners of pianos and other instruments which may have an ivory or other constituent somewhere could in fact be harassed or fined as well. But that's probably OK too, right?, because after all were talking about Gaia here.
    Gibson guitars hasn't used illegally harvested wood or anything like that. That's another erroneous, fallacious smear that's been carelessly implied in this discussion. Gibson is very active in participating in programs that ensure woods are used in an ecologically sensible fashion. All of the rosewood and ebony seized and/or contested in this farce has been certified in this fashion by a third party group. What the DOJ is trying to stand on is Indian law. The Indian government is not harassing Gibson, the US DOJ is, just by using their own interpretation of Indian statutes to do so. That seems kind of ballsy and totalitarian to me, but then again I'm not a big fan of Eric Holder's DOJ to begin with. (I won't drag in issues like 'Fast and Furious', refusing to prosecute the New Black Panthers in the most blatant example of voter intimidation I've ever seen, the DOJs insistence on removing KSM from military justice and force a civilian trial in the home of the 9-11 victims' families, their refusal to uphold law such as DOMA that the US populace has voted on, etc, etc. I could carp about all of that and more, but I won't. Let's just stick to Gibson, OK?)
    I don't think the claims of the DOJ hold much water at all. I think Gibson guitar is being strongarmed. The reasons? I can only use conjecture, but I think that the fact that Tenessee is a right to work state and Gibson is a non-union company might very well be a good place to start with that conjecture. After all, many other guitar companies including the fairly liberal folks at Martin use the same woods and they aren't being raided, are they? Gibson has been using the same sourced woods in question without incident for decades. Why the raids coming now with Holder and Co in charge?
    The good Rev claimed that Gibson's president is "a jerk" and Gibson is a "crummy place to work". So? Anyone forcing you or anyone else to work there?
    I think not. How about Boeing Corp trying to open a new plant in a right to work state and being similarly strongarmed by the government. Constitutional? Boeing isn't closing down any existing plants, just attempting to open a new one in an environment where they stand to turn a profit. And they're being screwed. Would any of you fellas like to have your rights trampled on in this manner? Care to be forced to lose money? Would you like to be run out of business?
    I suspect if this was Sonor drum company, or some instrument company you all gave an honest crap about, and the DOJ in question was run by John Ashcroft under the authority of George W Bush this thread might look a heck of a lot different. In fact I'd bet on it. I almost can't believe the company that has made the L-5, the best mandolins money can buy, the Les Paul, the 335, the Firebird and on and on is being leaned on this way and most of you seem to think this is somehow acceptable or even a good thing. But I said almost. At 57, little surprises me anymore. Rock on, then.

I would add to this that Furcifer's defense of Sonor (real wood is too costly and that someone is trying to protect these same woods from illegal exploitation) is spurious, since none of the veneers that the Italian versions are supposed to emulate (with the possible exception of Brazilian rosewood but Sonor stopped using that long ago) are on anybody's endangered list. Specifically, the article discusses Madagascar ebony. Madagascar ebony is African. Macassar ebony is from Indonesia and Asia, and is not endangered, and the two trees are not the same thing. In fact, in an odd reversal, furcifer goes on to state that Macassar is not endangered, so why the defense in the first place? But he's shocked.

The definition of demagoguery is passioned appeal to the prejudices and emotions of the populace. It is easy to see how a reasonable person having a different thought could get lynched by the tolerant crowd for not marching in lockstep with its ideals.

This probably does not bear repeating, but the issue was never WHY Sonor elected to start using ersatz veneers, but rather that Sonor allowed buyers to believe no shift had been made.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:44 am 
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The story is broken. People begin to react in disbelief. We bring you only the highlights! :shock:

    quote= Jason: I think I read somewhere on this site that political content was not allowed. I can't find it now, so I could be wrong. Am I?

That’s only true if it’s not your politics.
    [quote="furcifer": Gibson is not an unsuspecting musician travelling with a pawn shop Guitar to a gig in London. If they were raided it was likely (in my own personal opinion) stemming from repeated bullshitting of the USFW….

No reason to read more of that, because everything subsequent is based upon his personal opinion. But enough about Gibson…
    quote="furcifer": What is shocking to me is that the forum is in an uproar over the fact that Sonor is selling drums with engineered laminate on their drums because real wood is too costly and that someone is trying to protect these same woods from illegal exploitation.

Many things are shocking about that statement, but the one thing noticeably not shocking, and noticeably absent, is an uproar in the forum. Of course, the following may have something to do with that:

    quote="RevPoindexter": Oh boy. Just when you think the dust has settled, here we go again. I've already said everything I can about this veneer subject. And like I've said before, show me the printed material - ad, catalogue, movie clip, etc, where anyone at Sonor specifically says one of the Alpi veneers is the natural product. You can't, because it's not there. They never said it. Their "crime" is when ebony was again offered as a finish option not specifically saying "Oh by the way, this great looking finish is not the natural product we used to put on our signature drums, it's a manufactured product from a company in Italy."
    A "crime" of omission, because we wanted the old stuff back so badly and they did what they could to give it to us... No good deed goes unpunished.

"No good deed…" The mind boggles. To quote the paraphrase of a good friend:

    'I keep telling you guys what to think, and you are still thinking wrong!'

    'I've get nothing to say, so I'll say it again...'

And with that off Scott's chest:
    Rev continues: In regards to Gibson they've been busted for this before. The owner of Gibson is a well known jerk. Gibson has been rated one of the worst companies to work for in the US. If he really has been bringing in endangered wood under the radar he needs to be punished….

Ummmm…. How do you bat that one? There’s so many angles I can’t get started. But who cares about Gibson, anyway? What really bothers Scott is:

    If I were to take my 1977 Takamine F-375-S (copy of a Matin D-35) out of the USA, should I really be worried that it will be confiscated by these asses? It has rosewood back and sides, ebony fingerboard and a rosewood bridge after all. It wasn't even a consideration, until now.

Boy, I can sure understand Scott's concern in all this. A 1977 Takamine. :o
    [quote=”rayhicks”: Yeah that’s right. The owner of the Gibson company is a jerk and he’s worthy of being targeted and run out of biz by the DOJ. No problem there. We have nothing to worry about. It’s all about protecting Gaia don’t you know. Sheeeesh.

Wow! Somebody actually stands up for freedom and against guilt by proclamation as principles. Now, what will Scott say about that? But Jules gets there first:

Uh-oh. Jules mentioned Glen Beck in – um, well, in company. That’s bad. Bad for Jules, and bad for Gibson, because if CEO of Gibson was interviewed by Beck, it probably means he’s evil. Moving right along…
    Let's not discuss glen beck on the old sonor talk thread.If you must propagate something from one of the foremost far right political sources for us politics do it on maybe the rants thread perhaps.

See what I mean? Bad choice in political position. Poor grammatical usage by furcifer after his masterpiece thesis suggests a hurried note, but he gets his meaning across. Rayhicks tries again. By the tone of this one, he has stored up a fair amount of passion…
    [quote="rayhicks": Yeah I've heard Gibson's "side of the story". I've heard the president of the company interviewed at length twice. What exactly is the DOJ's side of the story?...

But you already read all that above.

The tone of a forum is often set by some of its more colorful characters, and this next guy surely qualifies:

    [quote="OddBall": Ooh my soul,...Hey did ya boogie too,....Did Ya......Hey shout whatcha gonna do,...DOJ`s come`n after you,...Hey did ya Rock-n-Roll,....Rock on .... And where do we go from here,....We want that wood that`s clear,....Still look`n for that good, wood, from the hood,....Prettiest green I eva seen,...see it make up the music scene,...What a dream !!

    I hate my puter,...soon it`s gonna be head`n East at about 11,000fps. at 30+AGL...See ya, but I wouldn`t wanna be ya !!

    Gibson`s contributions to Republican interests is minute, so I don`t think politics has much to do with it. Sonor is safe !! The DOJ seems to be stopping just short of an air-strike and that`s got peoples` attention. I wonder what they know or think they know !!

Does he have ODD? I don’t want to make fun of a guy’s handicap, but this is a lot like I imagine hell; a place where you endlessly battle mid-level devils while minor demons nip at your heels.

Does Scott suggest OddBall should calm down? No. Immediately following that dancing imp, Scot writes:


    I was quoting a piece that was forwarded to me. It's common knowledge that Henry J. is not not well regarded by his peers in the music industry. Apparently he's not well regarded by his employees either. Add to that the fact that this is the SECOND time they've been raided by the gummint. There's an awful lot of either fog or smoke swirling around this guy and his company. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

    "At the bottom of this year's list is Gibson, whose CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz, was endorsed by 12% of participating employees. A Gibson employee told Glassdoor.com: “Good people overall…[but] An absolutely bizarre culture that top-to-bottom seems to revolve solely around trying not to upset the CEO.”

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/2 ... lide_image

    http://www.reuters.com/article/2009/12/ ... N320091216

    http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Gibson ... -E6869.htm

    Add to the the [sic]neglect he's shown Slingerland during his ownership of that once great company and you don't get a warm fuzzy feeling about this guy.

    http://4henry.gibson.com/index.php?/top ... ingerland/

That makes it okay, then, since it was forwarded to Scott. CEO of Gibson is a jerk because everyone says so. His employees don't like him (go figure) Even the Puffington Host says so (which, apparently, is alright to mention in , um, circles without being labeled, “political.” Not paying adequate attention to Slingerland... now for that, even prison is too good in our book. Anyway...

Bypassing some of the more odious responses, we leap straight to the finale:
[quote="RevPoindexter": Lets suffice it to say that the first person who raised an objection to political content was probably right. This thread IS going to be closed. Before doing so I do want to say to everybody on either "side" of the issue - I am pleased that everyone is passionate and has an opinion one way or another. One of the things that has gone awry in the world today is a content populace who only gets upset when their football game is preempted (so to speak).

Better late than never, but it is after-the -fact reasonableness; The king, after brawling in the streets with the peasantry, resumes the throne, out of breath, sweating, with his crown all cattywumpus, and congratulates everyone for having taken a side. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shut'er down.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:50 am 
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Bery, bery good debate...

...no winners.

Thanks for playing, but don't do it again.
:? :lol:


River City Trio

What if we did all have the same opinions?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:54 am 
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cliff wrote:
Bery, bery good debate...

...no winners.

Thanks for playing, but don't do it again.
:? :lol:

As always, more said with fewer words! :lol: :oops: :lol:


PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:30 pm 
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Maybe the Rev is angling for a job with the DOJ? He may have to change his handle to "Sheriff" instead of "Rev" though. Don't want to go mixing religion with justice...

- D.

PS -- "Oddball" for President!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:12 pm 
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Not sure he was angling for anything other than more retrospective rationalization of faux veneer, by casting aspersions at the 'real bad guys' that use 'real wood'. :?


River City Trio

What if we did all have the same opinions?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:30 am 
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cliff wrote:
Not sure he was angling for anything other than more retrospective rationalization of faux veneer, by casting aspersions at the 'real bad guys' that use 'real wood'. :?

Rev Poindexter wrote:
    EDIT - in the opinions of some I have locked the topic prematurely. So if there is something CONSTRUCTIVE to add, please do. If it's just the same old same old endlessly stirred, the thread will be locked again. Capisce?

A new way to censor while not censoring. A pinned note, "Anyone suggesting Sonor's use of fauxwood was anything but altruistic will be silenced, unless they say nothing about it."

Being politically correct gets harder the more you practice it. :? :lol: :lol:

Takamine F-37-F. No, please, Takamine!


PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:28 am 
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Politic are banned; certain polemics are apparently encouraged.

"The worst offense that can be committed by a polemic is to stigmatize those who hold a contrary opinion as bad and immoral men."

—John Stuart Mill, 1806-73


River City Trio

What if we did all have the same opinions?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:30 pm 

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I did not expect to see this thread, and I've really been trying to refrain from commenting over there, as well as commenting here about over there. :lol: :lol: :lol:

But, when every post that dissents from the forum's agenda is trounced upon, (just to have the discussion closed when there are too many dissenting opinions) why would one post there?

Another example of forum politics: http://www.sonormuseum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=9113

I was reading the original poster's glowing support of this drum, but I literally laughed my ass off when I saw it! But I'm not a fan of the Glitzed out Tama crap, either.

C'mon guys! a block construction $5000.00 snare drum with only TWO Swarovsky Crystals? WTF?

Then comes this doozy:

Is it the full moon or just time for our semi-annual "let's se if we can piss of the admin" thread?

Don't want to spend $5K on the Todd drum, then don't. You're not taking any risk by developing, marketing or putting your name on it. There must be SOME kind of market for it or they wouldn't have put forth the effort. If not, no one is out anything but Todd and Pete.

Do I think it's ridiculous that a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport costs $2M? No. It's not aimed at me.

The Empyrean isn't aimed at you either, Manny. So put a sock in it.

So, now he's comparing a over-polished gilded turd of a drum to a Bugatti Veyron? :lol: :lol: :lol:

:ugeek: Brian

Drums and No Money will get Me through Hard Times better than Money and No Drums!
-A Recovering Drum Addict

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:07 pm 
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Hookd on Phonics wrote:
So, now he's comparing a over-polished gilded turd of a drum to a Bugatti Veyron? :lol: :lol: :lol:

:ugeek: Brian

The heading of this particular forum reads, "For civil, adult discussion of real world issues...." As such, here, I think one is entitled to compare an over-the-top priced drum to a similarly priced automobile, just as one can take issue with both, either, or neither of those things. Your view may or may not be as valid as mine, but if you are not permitted to post it, how could we ever discuss it?

What is difficult, and I agree with you, Brian, is that discussion is stopped arbitrarily; forum members can never tell what might be safe to print and what might not, since there is no basis outside of the will of administration. As there are no clear rules of conduct, any conduct is acceptable... until it is not. :?

Is it the full moon or just time for our semi-annual "let's se if we can piss of the admin" thread?

Don't want to spend $5K on the Todd drum, then don't. You're not taking any risk by developing, marketing or putting your name on it. There must be SOME kind of market for it or they wouldn't have put forth the effort. If not, no one is out anything but Todd and Pete.

Do I think it's ridiculous that a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport costs $2M? No. It's not aimed at me.

The Empyrean isn't aimed at you either, Manny. So put a sock in it.

Thanks for posting that quote. At least part of it is puuure pleasure. :lol: :lol: :lol:


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