The story is broken. People begin to react in disbelief. We bring you only the highlights!
quote= Jason: I think I read somewhere on this site that political content was not allowed. I can't find it now, so I could be wrong. Am I?
That’s only true if it’s not your politics.
[quote="furcifer": Gibson is not an unsuspecting musician travelling with a pawn shop Guitar to a gig in London. If they were raided it was likely (in my own personal opinion) stemming from repeated bullshitting of the USFW….
No reason to read more of that, because everything subsequent is based upon his personal opinion. But enough about Gibson…
quote="furcifer": What is shocking to me is that the forum is in an uproar over the fact that Sonor is selling drums with engineered laminate on their drums because real wood is too costly and that someone is trying to protect these same woods from illegal exploitation.
Many things are shocking about that statement, but the one thing noticeably not shocking, and noticeably absent, is an uproar in the forum. Of course, the following may have something to do with that:
quote="RevPoindexter": Oh boy. Just when you think the dust has settled, here we go again. I've already said everything I can about this veneer subject. And like I've said before, show me the printed material - ad, catalogue, movie clip, etc, where anyone at Sonor specifically says one of the Alpi veneers is the natural product. You can't, because it's not there. They never said it. Their "crime" is when ebony was again offered as a finish option not specifically saying "Oh by the way, this great looking finish is not the natural product we used to put on our signature drums, it's a manufactured product from a company in Italy."
A "crime" of omission, because we wanted the old stuff back so badly and they did what they could to give it to us... No good deed goes unpunished.
"No good deed…" The mind boggles. To quote the paraphrase of a good friend:
'I keep telling you guys what to think, and you are still thinking wrong!'
'I've get nothing to say, so I'll say it again...'
And with that off Scott's chest:
Rev continues: In regards to Gibson they've been busted for this before. The owner of Gibson is a well known jerk. Gibson has been rated one of the worst companies to work for in the US. If he really has been bringing in endangered wood under the radar he needs to be punished….
Ummmm…. How do you bat that one? There’s so many angles I can’t get started. But who cares about Gibson, anyway? What really bothers Scott is:
If I were to take my 1977 Takamine F-375-S (copy of a Matin D-35) out of the USA, should I really be worried that it will be confiscated by these asses? It has rosewood back and sides, ebony fingerboard and a rosewood bridge after all. It wasn't even a consideration, until now.
Boy, I can sure understand Scott's concern in all this. A 1977 Takamine.
[quote=”rayhicks”: Yeah that’s right. The owner of the Gibson company is a jerk and he’s worthy of being targeted and run out of biz by the DOJ. No problem there. We have nothing to worry about. It’s all about protecting Gaia don’t you know. Sheeeesh.
Wow! Somebody actually stands up for freedom and against guilt by proclamation as principles. Now, what will Scott say about that? But Jules gets there first:
Uh-oh. Jules mentioned Glen Beck in – um, well, in company. That’s bad. Bad for Jules, and bad for Gibson, because if CEO of Gibson was interviewed by Beck, it probably means he’s evil. Moving right along…
Let's not discuss glen beck on the old sonor talk thread.If you must propagate something from one of the foremost far right political sources for us politics do it on maybe the rants thread perhaps.
See what I mean? Bad choice in political position. Poor grammatical usage by furcifer after his masterpiece thesis suggests a hurried note, but he gets his meaning across. Rayhicks tries again. By the tone of this one, he has stored up a fair amount of passion…
[quote="rayhicks": Yeah I've heard Gibson's "side of the story". I've heard the president of the company interviewed at length twice. What exactly is the DOJ's side of the story?...
But you already read all that above.
The tone of a forum is often set by some of its more colorful characters, and this next guy surely qualifies:
[quote="OddBall": Ooh my soul,...Hey did ya boogie too,....Did Ya......Hey shout whatcha gonna do,...DOJ`s come`n after you,...Hey did ya Rock-n-Roll,....Rock on .... And where do we go from here,....We want that wood that`s clear,....Still look`n for that good, wood, from the hood,....Prettiest green I eva seen,...see it make up the music scene,...What a dream !!
I hate my puter,...soon it`s gonna be head`n East at about 11,000fps. at 30+AGL...See ya, but I wouldn`t wanna be ya !!
Gibson`s contributions to Republican interests is minute, so I don`t think politics has much to do with it. Sonor is safe !! The DOJ seems to be stopping just short of an air-strike and that`s got peoples` attention. I wonder what they know or think they know !!
Does he have ODD? I don’t want to make fun of a guy’s handicap, but this is a lot like I imagine hell; a place where you endlessly battle mid-level devils while minor demons nip at your heels.
Does Scott suggest OddBall should calm down? No. Immediately following that dancing imp, Scot writes:
I was quoting a piece that was forwarded to me. It's common knowledge that Henry J. is not not well regarded by his peers in the music industry. Apparently he's not well regarded by his employees either. Add to that the fact that this is the SECOND time they've been raided by the gummint. There's an awful lot of either fog or smoke swirling around this guy and his company. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.
"At the bottom of this year's list is Gibson, whose CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz, was endorsed by 12% of participating employees. A Gibson employee told “Good people overall…[but] An absolutely bizarre culture that top-to-bottom seems to revolve solely around trying not to upset the CEO.” ... lide_image ... N320091216 ... -E6869.htm
Add to the the [sic]neglect he's shown Slingerland during his ownership of that once great company and you don't get a warm fuzzy feeling about this guy. ... ingerland/
That makes it okay, then, since it was forwarded to Scott. CEO of Gibson is a jerk because everyone says so. His employees don't like him (go figure) Even the Puffington Host says so (which, apparently, is alright to mention in , um, circles without being labeled, “political.” Not paying adequate attention to Slingerland... now for that, even prison is too good in our book. Anyway...
Bypassing some of the more odious responses, we leap straight to the finale:
[quote="RevPoindexter": Lets suffice it to say that the first person who raised an objection to political content was probably right. This thread IS going to be closed. Before doing so I do want to say to everybody on either "side" of the issue - I am pleased that everyone is passionate and has an opinion one way or another. One of the things that has gone awry in the world today is a content populace who only gets upset when their football game is preempted (so to speak).
Better late than never, but it is after-the -fact reasonableness; The king, after brawling in the streets with the peasantry, resumes the throne, out of breath, sweating, with his crown all cattywumpus, and congratulates everyone for having taken a side.

Shut'er down.