Honestly Cliff....the short of it.....these drums are the bomb for me.
The long of it...
I try to avoid and dislike acting like Sonor is an ex-wife, though at times it feels like that, 30 dam years married to the harlot, spent all my money and still she wouldn't be happy.
I am much more aware of hype these days and realize for so long I was caught up in it myself. This stirs some animosity regarding the Sonor forum because I see myself 20 years ago in a lot of those folks.
The truth is, Sonor Signature drums were euphoria when they came into my life. They lived up to all the hype and we worked well together many years.
The years since...I can't even explain. So many awesome kits, how can they not be admired, those were fun times. Spare time, spare money, seems there was room for waste on both accounts.
I'd still love a couple Sonor kits, SClass Pros and Designers. But I am at a point in my life where I don't want multiple kits. I don't even think I want two to be honest. Because one of them will not get used.
Though I'm sure the possibility of other Signia kits in my house is likely in the future. Especially if I start gigging. I really wanted to keep those greens but Walnuts were calling and....so was the wife
You will get a chance to try these. Maybe, maybe not, but I hope you see and feel the magic in these things that I do. Designers would have been the final kit for me if i hadn't of stumbled onto these bad boys. I have David to thank for that.
I have no NEED for anything else. Still can't believe it. I am finally "drum happy".